Beberapa kegiatan internasional yang telah terlaksana untuk mendukung jejaring Regional Center of Expertise selama tahun 2018 ini adalah:
- Keikutsertaan pada The 11th Annual meeting and symposium for RCE-AP di Sydney, Australia.
- Regularly RCE AP committee meeting by Webex teleconference.
- Workshop of SEAMEO UNESCO on integrating curiculum for Education for Sustainable Development into Higher Education
- Facilitating in UNESCO Association in Bangkok Thailand
- Japan for high school exchanges (NFUAJ UNESCO Japan)
- Facilitating for visit from Malaysian delagates in integrated agriculture
- Visiting by GWS (Great Western Sydney) RCE Youth. (16 Juli 2018)
- Youth RCE teleconference coordinated by GWS RCE
- Panelis di International Association of Universities Conference on Higher Education Partnerships for Societal Impact 2018 (University of Malaya 13-15 November 2018)
- The 3rd International ESD Forum
- 1stInternational Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development (ICCEESD)