Bayu Andri Atmoko*, Panjono, Endy Triyannanto, Widagdo Sri Nugroho, M Danang Yulianto
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract. In general, slaughtering of cattle on Eid al-Adha in mosques is done traditionally and even tends to be abusive. The cattle experience suffering and torture, both physically and psychologically. The condition affects the lower animal welfare of cattle and meat that produced and also the risk of human-animal accidents. Application of portable restraining boxes for the slaughtering of cattle is an alternative and innovative breakthrough related to these problems. The purpose of service activity is to introduce the portable restraining box for the slaughtering of cattle towards the Takmir, Qurban committee, and the public. The target for this activity is the Al Islaah Mosque Takmir and community in Nitikan Village, Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. Activities take place from April to August 2019. The activity begins with the creation of a portable restraining box prototype, including design based on reference studies and FGD between teams and experts. The second stage is determining the production workshop based on surveys and an agreement to produce the design. The procurement of materials is carried out by the team and the production workshop based on their suitability and efficiency. The production of a prototype requires two weeks and then evaluated to ensure suitability with design, construction, and function. The introduction of a prototype to the Qurban committee is carried out together with the Qurban committee meeting for time and participant effectiveness. The use of a prototype in the Eid Al-Adha celebration time for slaughtering several cattle. Evaluation of a prototype on the effectiveness and efficiency of slaughtering based on animal welfare factors. Evaluation of community acceptance using a questionnaire for 32 respondents of the Takmir, committee, and community who watch slaughtered process. The results obtained 9.68% helpful, 32.26% attractive and worthy of use again, 41.94% not accustomed and need adaptation, and 16.13 % is not interested, referred to traditional methods are more accessible and more practical. The conclusion of services activity is the prototype acceptable and needs improving and completing.
Keyword: Animal welfare, appropriate technology, product prototype, service activity