Sindung Tjahyadia), Hastangkab), and Fendi Pangestu
Pusat Studi Pancasila, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Coresponding Authors: a), b)
Abstract. Taman Indria is a kindergarten education that was initiated by Ki Hadjar Dewantara for the first time in the Republic of Indonesia. The school original name was “Taman Lare” which means a park or children’s playground. Taman Indria is the starting point for continuing education in formal education that provides teaching to live in harmony with the environment, educate with cultural values, preserve the nation’s culture, and preserve traditional values from generation to generation. The idea of Taman Indria also implements education with social justice, equality in education. The study in this paper will explain the idea of character education in Taman Indria as a foundation for the development of education for sustainable development, which offers a choice of cultural-based educational orientation that is different from religious-based education or education based on western educational philosophies. Taman Indria provides an alternative educational orientation that gives room for appreciation, togetherness, and caring for the love of the motherland.
Keywords: Taman Indria, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, moral, identity, ESD