Karna Wijaya1*, Nasih Widya Yuwono2, Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta1, Widi Kurniawati1
1Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
2Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: karnawijaya@ugm.ac.id
Abstract. Essential oil industry, especially small and medium oil processing enterprises should be ready to face the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 is not just talking about internet of things or artificial intelligence, but more than that, some of the most crucial skills that will be needed to face the Industry 4.0 era including design mindset, social intelligence, creative thinking, adaptive thinking, and critical thinking need to be practiced among young generations especially college student. This program aimed to empower Essential Oil Community by sustainable education of essential oil chemistry to respond industry 4.0 era. Some trainings and workshops that were collaborated with CV. Fruitanol Energy about essential oil processing including its business potential had done to give insights about essential oil market. This activity has succeeded in fostering enthusiasm to develop essential oil business which was evidenced by the members in winning some business competitions that can improve their design mindset ability. Some members also got direct learning about essential oil producing plants by visiting Rumah Atsiri Indonesia. Their creative thinking was also sharpened through learn firsthand about essential oil derivative products. Moreover, this program has collaborated with appropriate technology-based program which aimed to give direct case-based learning on issues in essential oil industry. Patchouli leaves drying problem in Surya Wulan SMEs had driven Essential Oil Community’s member to improve their critical and adaptive thinking through demonstrating the proficiency of thinking and coming up with solutions. Furthermore, their social intelligence was also sharpened through conveying to others especially essential oil SMEs actors in Kulonprogo deeply and directly. Another output of this program is a learning video and poster of essential oils and its potential.